Thursday, July 29, 2010

Almost there....AGAIN!

Last Thursday, we celebrated my daughter's FIRST birthday....and now, I'm 12 days shy of giving birth! This has been such a strange, FAST, hectic experience! I am tired, so very tired....sore, nervous, and in shock. LOL

Because my Husband and I make big babies, this little girl is going to be delivered by c-section. This will be my first c-section, and I am VERY nervous about it. I can't imagine trying to recover from this surgery with 3 kids, including one who is 12 1/2 months old and is walking. But God is good, and He will get us through it! She is estimated to be around 8 lbs 8 oz @ 36 weeks 6 days. And this doctor was RIGHT ON with our last baby, who was born at 41 weeks weighing 9 lbs 1 oz. So it's safe to assume this girl will be 9 1/2 lbs. Due to complications with my last labor, they just don't think it's possible to deliver this baby vaginally without serious complications, so c-section it will be-

August 10th, 2010.