Thursday, April 1, 2010

Oh, God is just so good to me :)

We found out today that we're having another little girl :) I'm still so shocked! I remember in Feb. of last year being absolutely floored that we were having a daughter...and now we have another daughter joining our daughter and 2 boys! Imagine! What a perfect blessing- 2 boys and 2 girls. I am just so elated.

God is so good. 7 months ago, I didn't think so. I was so angry, hurt, and bitter towards the Lord. Things weren't going as planned; it looked like we were going to be homeless, for crying out loud! All we wanted to do was support our family-we felt like we were doing and had done everything God had asked us to do. Nothing made sense. I felt so hopeless and depressed....I had our sweet boys, and then this 2 month old baby that I hadn't gotten to enjoy because I was so upset and anxious about our current circumstances. But God, in His perfect timing and sovereignty had this all worked out-even before I was formed He knew me and knew what the outcome of this certain trial would be! I'm starting to see that life is so much more than these trials or periods of abundance-that nothing, and I mean NOTHING, can compare to the glory of Jesus Christ. When we made that commitment to take up our cross and follow Him, it meant all or nothing. Your savings account doesn't matter; your 401k means nothing to God...what car you drive, what house you live in, what things you have-meaningless. The ONLY thing that matters is your complete and utter dependency on Him. He wants YOU-not YOU and all your crap. Oh God, please don't let ME lose sight of this!

That last trial was HARD. And I'm sure it won't be my last-but hopefully in the next one, I can practice what I preach and rely solely on God alone, KNOWING that He is working it ALL out and that I can trust Him that whatever comes next, it is exactly His will and where we're supposed to be.

I never could have imagined that after the last trial ended, we would be expecting another absolutely AMAZING gift to our already beautiful family and serving in a fantastic youth ministry. Exactly what we wanted to be doing...I'm just in awe.

Psalm 127:3 Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord,
the fruit of the womb a reward!